Though Harlow Madden, daughter of newlyweds Nicole Richie and Joel Madden, won't turn three until January 11, she celebrated her birthday over the weekend with a fun, celeb-filled bash. According to People magazine, guests included Ellen Pompeo and her daughter Stella, Jessica Alba and her daughter Honor. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale also made an appearance with their sons Kingston and Zuma.
While famous faces may have filled the fiesta, it was far from a fancy affair.
"It was a fun, casual party. Besides the celebrity kids, Harlow had a few friends from school at the party and she was very excited. The kids played outside in the Treehouse [at the Treehouse Social Club in Beverly Hills] and enjoyed art and crafts projects inside. All the moms chatted while the dads bonded and it was a perfect party for both the adults and the kids," an insider told the news source.
While the birthday favors have yet to be revealed, parents who want cute kids party favors may want to opt for sweet treats that youngsters will surely appreciate.