One of the most exciting aspects of knowing you'll be invited to a wedding is receiving the invite in the mail. Although it may seem silly, seeing awe-inspiring stationery adorned with fancy writing often leads people to circle the date on their calendars and get all giddy when the day draws near.
So if you're currently in the midst of wedding planning, why not make sure your invitations are something incredibly special? Although it may take some careful planning and preparation, the work you put in will pay off in the end.
First, try to pick out invitations that match the colors of your affair. For example, if you asked your bridesmaids to wear violet and silver shoes, purchase lilac stationery and emblazon the paper with silver writing.
Additionally, don't skimp on calligraphy! Everyone loves to see a beautifully handwritten invite that was specially addressed to them. Match them with your wedding favors and your guest will be chatting about your event for the rest of the year.