Your wedding is one of the most important events in your life, and sharing the experience with your nearest and dearest is key in creating a truly memorable celebration. To ensure that your loved ones will be able to attend your affair, there is one component that should not be overlooked – save the date cards!
These notifications are especially key if you are planning a destination wedding or have relatives that live across the country. They give guests a heads up about the celebration, allowing them ample time to book the necessary reservations to ensure their presence on your big day.
To make your pre-invite especially memorable, opt for a personalized save the date magnet. These items are informative and handy – guests will likely post them on their fridge and view it daily, serving as a great reminder of your upcoming vows.
Because save the dates are typically sent out as soon as the date is set, don't worry about selecting magnets that coincide with your wedding's theme. Instead, personalize the reminders with an engagement photo. Your loved ones will adore receiving the sweet pre-invites, but remember to save a few for your own wedding scrapbook!